(1) The 2nd Semester Parents’ Day will be on 30th July, 2022(Saturday). Parents will be interviewed with teachers to talk about your child’s study and personal development in the kindergarten. The appointment note will be distributed to parents on 21st July, 2022(next Thursday), please pay attention!
Parents’ Education Talk–‘Oral Health 2021-2022’
Date: 30th July, 2022(Saturday)
Time: 10:30a.m.bto 11:45a.m.
Place: Music Room
Common problems and effects of children’ oral health
Suggestions/ Care Instructions for parents (caregivers)
Remark: If you are interested in attending the talk, please submit the e- reply slip on/ before 18th July, 2022 (Monday). The kindergarten will adjust the appointment time, so that parents can participate in the parents’ day and attend the talk at the same time.